Friday, March 11, 2011

The Munchkins & Sam's 6th Birthday Party...

Shelly, Owen (4 mths), Sam (6)

Ava & Addie playing dress-up

We went to Sioux City for the day to celebrate Sam's 6th birthday. So hard to believe he is 6 already! It seems like just yesterday I was staying with Shelly & Jason when he was a newborn. We really didn't see much of Ava all day long as her and Addie were playing pretty hard. It's so nice that they get along so well. Ava just adores Addie and loved playing with all her dresses, crowns, shoes, and jewelry. She keeps asking when we can go back to Addie's house. Owen didn't want to take a nap as he continues to be disturbed by any changes in schedule. He sleeps great as long as we are at home! He was a good sport and had lots of people to hold him which was nice. He finally fell asleep and we had to wake him a couple hours later when we were heading home. It was a fun day for all of us.

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