Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Easter Bunny Comes....

The Easter Bunny left some Goodies...
Ava looking for eggs....
The "dress up" clothes the Easter Bunny brought...
Owen with his duck the Easter Bunny brought
Ava was pretty excited this year for the Easter Bunny. When she first woke up, we told her what had happened, and she immediately started finding eggs. She loved all the candy in the eggs as well as her new dress up outfit which she has worn every day since Easter. Her favorite part of her new outfit was the shoes. She didn't take much pity on Owen and the fact that he couldn't really do much, and was happy to demolish his Easter basket and eat his candy. We'll see what happens next year....
I did not get one picture of the kids all dressed up for church together since we were late getting out of the house. I guess I should start getting up at 4:00 am!

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