Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Ava's 1st Dance Recital for this Year....


Greta, Ava, & Riley (her BFF's)

She was actually in the front row for the performance

Not sure what she's up to here

Carefully on her spot

The End

Ava & Andrea who came to watch her

Owen was fairly interested in watching the dancers

We had Ava's first dance recital for the year at Palace Theater.  She's still in the "little"class that she was in last year, but seems to be getting a few more of the steps this year.  The weather was not great the night of the recital so just G&G Sieve were able to come.  Our instructions for their hair from the dance teacher were "down and curly".  Well, I was a little apprehensive about this since Ava's hair doesn't really curl well.  I went and bought a "good"curling iron at the salon and it curled well with a little product.  Ava was very patient for the 50 minute ordeal to get all of it curled.  She absolutely loved it when I was done.  She was so excited to "look pretty" with her costume and hair all done.  She wasn't a bit scared to perform and loved every minute of it.
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