Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Owen at 2 years, 4 months...

This is his çheese face

He's trying to pose for me.....needs a little work

It's fair to say that Owen is making some advancements in the speech category.  While Brad and I were just commenting that we clearly are the only people that can really understand him, he is talking a fair amount.  He says nearly every noun that he's talking about from tacos to coat to Ava's room.  Sentences are pretty short for him right now: "Music on dance" (he wants me to turn on the music so he can dance), "Snack time now", "Tummy hurt", etc.  He is able to get all of his ideas out now and we can understand what he wants most of the time.  There are still words we struggle to understand, but he can usually help us figure out what he's saying.  He loves to "Go bye bye,  shoes on, coat on, truck"and go anywhere we will take him.  He doesn't really like when either Brad or I leave the house and he has to stay home with the other one.  He recently has started to like "Mouse"which is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  He will watch an entire epidsode if someone is watching it with him, but not alone.  He's still very busy and loves to be right next to me when I'm doing anything, especially when Ava is at preschool.  He is not quite as good at playing on his own as he used to be.  He likes "company".  He also really loves his Daddy lately.  He's doing well with the potty training.  He does great with potty and is averaging an accident or so per week, so we are happy with that.  The other end is still a work in progress.  We'll get there, but it's going to be slow I have a feeling.
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