Sunday, February 10, 2013

Potty Training: "Poot & Poppy"

"Camp Potty" in the living room

Potty training Owen has proved to be a bit more of a challenge that it was for Ava.  We had our first attempt shortly after his birthday in October and he really didn't seem to care at all.  Although he was successful several times on the potty, his heart really wasn't in it.  Attempt #2 was made in mid January.  This time, we could immediately tell he seemed to "get it".  The potty is going very well.  He still can have an accident every now and again, but for the most part he's good.  He can hold it for quite a while and still only really goes when we bring it up.  I'm a little scared to see what would happen if we waited for him to initiate it all the time, but he probably could go much longer than the 1 1/2 - 2 hours that we let him.  The poop on the other hand is not so great.  He was holding it to the point of being in pain just before we left to go to Florida.  I was using suppositories and the sad thing was, he was asking for them.  At Grandma's while we were gone, he became accustomed to going in his pants. While it wasn't great for her, we were happy he maintained potty training while we were gone, and I did not have much hope for anything beyond that.  He is still not poop trained, but we are hoping to make progress in this area soon.  He still wears diapers/pull ups at naptime and bedtime, but I'm not expecting that to go away anytime soon. ,He loves to talk about his "poot"and his "poppy", and isn't afraid to lie and tell Daddy he went "poot in the poppy" when he really didn't.  Boys! 
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