Monday, April 8, 2013

Easter Eggs!

We have the dye made and ready to go

I have not actually dyed Easter eggs since I was a kid I don't think.  I thought it was time I started the tradition with the kids as Ava is old enough to do most of it herself.  I had a kit purchased a few weeks prior to Easter, however, the kids got ahold of it and lost most all the parts, including the color tabs.  We had to make an emergency trip to the store when I realized the issue to purchase another kit.  By then, it was lunch time and Owen was tired and ready for a nap so he missed out on it this year.  I think Ava was quite thrilled to have it be a Mom/Ava project.  She had fun coloring and then recoloring the eggs.  She even put stickers on them once they were all dry.  She loves "projects!"
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