Saturday, June 8, 2013

Gymnastics Camp....

The low bar

Warm up jogging followed by skipping, hopping, and stretching

Balance beam

High beam

Ava was thrilled to attend gymnastics camp that was offered through community education.  She knew a few girls there from preschool which made it even better.  She really seemed to participate much more this year than I've seen her in the past.  When they were running she would even try to beat other girls which is not like my noncompetitive daughter.  They rotated between 3 stations once stretching and warmups were complete.  They practiced doing small fips and landing on a mat (like the vault), balance beam, and bars.  Ava's favorite was flipping over the bars.  Each day she was a little less afraid and wasn't hanging on the bar for dear life.  Owen even seemed to enjoy hanging out and watching for the hour each day.
The whole group!
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