Friday, March 14, 2014

Disney in Sioux Falls & Playdoh!

Owen pointing at the stage- we were pretty far away in the upper deck
Waiting for the show to begin.  The kids could hardly wait to see Mickey, especially Owen.

 I decided on a whim one day when Ava was off of school to make playdoh.  We hadn't done it for a while.  We made two batches so they each had their own color.  Needless to say, it has been a hit. 
 Does Owen ever have his eyes open for a picture?
 Does Ava ever have a real smile? 

 Lots & lots of vehicles!  This is what the living room looks like every day!
 Owen is lucky to have a sister that plays with him!
We decided last minute to get tickets to Disney Live in Sioux Falls, hence our not so great seats.  The kids seemed to really enjoy it, especially Owen.  It wasn't terribly long and they had excerpts from Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, and one other Disney movie which I can't remember right now.  The kids loved them all, but weren't familiar with Aladdin because they've never seen the movie.  Fun day!!

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