Friday, March 14, 2014

Snow, Snow, Snow......

 To say it has been a bad winter may be the understatement of the year!  We have had no shortage of snow to play in as we have been under a solid blanket of snow since before Thanksgiving.  You'd think the kids would have had their fill of playing in the snow, but they haven't because it's been so freezing cold the entire winter.  The days we have been above single digits I can count on one hand.  So on this day in late February, it was actually kind of nice outside (upper 20's), so we decided to play outside.  Ava thought it felt like "summer" and didn't even want a hat!  The kids were using the sled as a boat in the large melting pool in front of the snow pile.  Yes, you can imagine what their pants, boots, and mittens looked like, but all so much fun, right?  So ready for spring!!!

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