Friday, July 27, 2007


19 weeks: Brad and I headed to the doctor for our"formal OB ultrasound." I say formal because it was the ultrasound that a report was actually going to be generated for my chart. I had several peaks before that due to being good friends with the ultrasound techs, Kelli and Heather. Brad got to see the baby move on ultrasound for the first time. I had brought home still images before this, but it was neat to see the look on his face when he actually saw it wiggling around. We found out that my placenta was anterior and as much as the baby was moving, I was not feeling any of it. The heartbeat was in the 150's again like it always had been in the past. The baby looked healthy and very active! We informed Heather that we were not finding out the sex of the baby, much to my disappointment (and hers!). Brad did not feel he was ready to find out yet, and was still holding out for a surprise. He said after Heather left the room that he thought she had peaked. He was sure that it was a boy judging from whatever he saw Heather looking at. I did not notice any of this happening even though I thought I was paying close attention. I just dismissed the whole thing. I did ask Heather later if she knew something, but of course, she wouldn't comment. I could tell by the look on her face that she knew something, but the suspense continued.....

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