Thursday, June 30, 2011

Owen is 8 Months Old....

8 months old today!
Owen is journeying through the months faster and faster it seems. Wasn't it just yesterday that I was pregnant? Certainly quite a different summer than we were having last year. He is one special blessing!
The skinny at 8 months:
Sleep: Owen is sleeping from 7:30 or 8:00 pm until 7 or 7:30 am. He is taking 2 naps that are approximately 2 hours in length. He is a great sleeper and seldom wakes at all during the night.
Food: Owen is eating one jar of stage 1 baby food every day without a problem. He would probably eat much more, but I'm not overly anxious to get him on any more solid food until he's closer to a year. He just needs the experience of eating which he thoroughly enjoys. We really haven't found a food he didn't like. He is a much better eater than Ava was at this age. He's down to drinking 3 bottles (4 oz) during my work day which isn't much for a baby his age. Obviously, my milk must pack some calories.
Weight: 25 lbs, 11 oz. We had a doctor appointment for a cold which turned out to be viral. It seems his weight gain is down for the past couple months. He's still gaining of course, but not at the rapid rate he has been.
Activity: Lots of it! He is extremely active. He can pull his entire torso off the ground on his stomach as he pulls up on furniture and toys. His favorite time is being on the floor where he can roll and scoot around at lightning speed. He recently has gotten up on all fours and is rocking back and forth. Every day, he seems to be doing this more and more. I have a feeling crawling may be in our near future. Where did my little baby go? Ava loves to update us on how he is almost crawling all day long.
Owen is such a happy little guy. Aside from his recent teething which has made him a little fussy at times, he is a great baby. He is happy to be on the floor playing, especially with Ava. He loves attention from people. He also loves toys with wheels and those that make noise. Tooth #3 has poked its way through on top (left eye tooth) and the other 3 on top are really close. I can't imagine how different he will look with all his teeth in front.

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