Thursday, June 30, 2011


1st Day of Soccer in gym due to rainy weather

All decked out in her shin gaurds - she couldn't have been more excited!

She didn't actually "play" a lot of soccer
I decided to sign Ava up for summer soccer for 3-5 year olds through the community education office. It was only 4 sessions and I thought it would be fun for Ava to get out and enjoy playing with other kids. She was pretty timid the first day and not nearly as good at following directions as the older kids. You could really tell those who had been to preschool who were used to listening to a teacher. She gradually warmed up as she always does and looked forward to going every day. I didn't get to see her every time as Hannah had to take her on the days I worked, however, she seemed to have fun and told us she wants to do it again.

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