I took both the kids in for their well checks which is always an interesting appointment with both of them (plus Owen getting shots) but it went pretty well considering we were there an hour and a half. I gave Owen Tylenol before we left, and he hardly cried for his 4 shots. He was hysterical for about 20 seconds, and then it was over and he was fine. Ava also thinks she got a shot, but she got the flu mist in her nose! By all accounts, Owen is a healthy boy. His hemoglobin was great, and they really have no major concerns. Here are the stats:
Height: 29.25" (87th percentile)
Weight: 26 lbs, 15 oz (92nd percentile)
Head Circumference: 19.5" (98th percentile)
He's certainly not struggling in the growth category, but actually lost weight since our last appointment when he was 10 months old. He is extremely busy and really never stops moving most of the time he is awake, so I'm certain he's burning some calories.
Sleep: Owen typically sleeps from 7:30pm to 7:00am. He can sometimes wake up around 6:30 but for the most part he is sleeping in until at least 7:00am. I have to keep him up on preschool days until 11:00 am after I pick up Ava to nap, so on those days, he usually naps from 11:00-2:00 and that is his only nap. Otherwise, he naps 10:30-12:30 and 4:00-5:00pm.
Food: Owen is transitioning into "real food" really quickly. He is eating everything we are eating without a problem. He loves vegatable soup, chicken noodle soup, green beans, most meats if they are tender, and all fruits we have tried. The only food he absolutely won't eat is squash. It is sort of comical when you put squash in his mouth as he just cries hysterically until you remove it with a napkin. He is eating a 1/2 banana and good sized bowl of oatmeal for breakfast, light lunch, and then usually applesauce and some other fruit for a snack, and then the supper we are eating. I'm still nursing morning and night for sure, and then one daytime feeding.
Movement: Owen is not offically walking yet, but he has taken one or two steps. He is so quick crawling that I can't imagine what he will be like when he's walking. He has no problem climbing on things (like the trampoline or fireplace hearth) and can manuever along furniture without a problem.
Entertainment: Owen loves anything with wheels including cars, tractors, or Ava's doll strollers. He also loves balls and can entertain himself for quite a while hitting a ball around the floor. He is infatuated with my pans and loves to remove the lids and clang them on the wood floor. He loves cords so we really have to keep an eye on what he may be pulling or grabbing for. There really are no limits to what he will find to play with next. He continues to love Ava and any games she plays with him. He will laugh at her over the silliest things! 

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