Monday, September 3, 2012

Ava's 1st Day of Preschool at Discovery Time....

 Owen refused to be in a photo so I had to catch him riding his trike
 Ava in her classroom
 Ava in front of the school

Overall, the start of preschool this year was uneventful.  Ava really thought it was no big deal (wasn't scared at all) and was excited to have something on her social calendar again.  We switched preschools and tried out Discovery Time this year.  It's a little different than Little Lambs and not quite as laid back, but Ava seems to like it.  Her teacher is Mrs. Angie.  The highlight of Mrs. Angie is that she "has a baby in her tummy and it's coming out in January" as Ava puts it.  Ava also seems to really like snack time and play time.  She knows a few more names of kids in her class right away this year.  Last year, it took until March before she really could name more than 2-3 kids so this is a big step up.  Of course, everyone she talks about is girls and I've asked her if she knows or plays with any boys to which she replies, "No, Mom, I don't play with the boys!".  Ava goes to preschool Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings from 8:30-11:00 am.  Let another year begin!

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