Monday, September 3, 2012

Reese Katherine

Ava was so excited to meet Reese!

 My first time holding Reese
 As you can see, Ava's smile really never faded
 Cute little Reese with her chubby cheeks!
 Sam & Addie getting to see their new baby sister for the first time
 A look at all her hair!
 Jason, Shelly & Reese
 My kids were pretty focused on exactly what Reese was up to...
Ava, Addie (almost 6), Sam (7), and Reese

We were beginning to wonder if my sister Shelly was ever going to have the baby we had all been so excited about!  Reese Katherine made her debut into the world 8 days late on 8-17-12.  She weighed in at 9 lbs 9 oz and 22 inches long.  She was the exact same weight as Owen and just a little longer.  It was very exciting to get to go to the hospital the day she was born as I've never gotten to do that with either of my sisters when their babies were born because they lived too far away.  The kids and I made our third trip to Sioux City in less than 2 weeks (we had come to stay twice previously when Shelly was going to go into labor "any day" ha, ha).  Ava couldn't have been more excited to see Reese.  She just loves babies and anything that has to do with babies.  She held Reese for a long time and really didn't want anyone to take her.  Owen even seemed pretty enamored with her.  Owen got a little crazy in the hospital room but luckily Grandma Chris was there to take the kids out for walks around the hospital for a couple breaks.  It was fun to get to see Sam and Addie when they got to see Reese for the first time.  It seems the new family of 5 is adjusting well to life with a new baby again.  I'm getting anxious to see her again and see how much she has changed already!

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