Monday, September 3, 2012

Owen at 22 months....

 Owen playing in the water (the way we occupy him when trying to get something done in the kitchen)
 Owen often disappears into his room to sit in the chair and look at books
 Silly face!
Owen doesn't often cooperate for pictures lately, so I was happy he wasn't running away in these!  Owen is still our very busy toddler.  He loves to run, jump, hide, and play outside.  He can spend hours and hours playing in his car where you will hear him saying "beep, beep, beep" as he backs up.  He loves to ride the big   wheels although he doesn't pedal yet.  I don't know why he would learn because he is lightning fast just using his feet to push himself.  It won't be long though as he has pedaled a single turn every now again for the past month or so.  Owen continues to be a good eater although meat seems to be his least favorite right now.  Usually, the fruit is first to go on his plate followed by the vegetable and then he will start saying "out, out" without eating anything else.  Owen loves trail mix (peanuts & raisins) and continues to baffle us with his lack of a sweet tooth.  We've went out for ice cream several times this last month and he refuses to eat anything.  He's also passed up birthday cake!  Speech for Owen is progressing slowly.  He will not say any two word sentences yet, but he has about 10 words he uses a lot and that seems to be growing a little bit all the time.  His favorite words right now are "hi" (which he will say to any stranger who will listen and continue to repeat until they respond), "bye,bye", "nigh, nigh", "out", "Da, Da", "Mom", "nana" (banana and Hannah :), "apple", "side" (outside), "eye" (and can point to his), and "no" (his fave!).  He continues to keep our lives interesting.

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