Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Ava's 1st Day of Kindergarten...

Orientation Day

It's finally the big day!  Ava was so excited to go to school.  She was quite disappointed that we wanted to take her to school instead of riding the bus.  She didn't seem nervous at all and couldn't wait to get going for the day.  She woke me up shortly after 6!

We told them to look sad & this is what we got!

Ava & Miss Rust

Day 2 of School:  Waiting for the bus (she was out on the driveway a full 15 min before we were expecting the bus.  She didn't want to miss it!)

She is swaying with anticipation here...

And she's off!

Overall, Ava did fantastic for starting Kindergarten.  She really didn't even turn back when we dropped her off at school that first day.  She saw her class, and had no problems telling us goodbye.  I'm glad it was that way for her, however,  I did sort of want her to miss us somewhat!  The 2nd day of school when she got to ride the bus was almost harder for us to watch.  She just hopped right up on the bus like she'd done it a million times and was off.  (sniff, sniff)

After over a week of school under her belt, Ava is doing very well.  We typically try to get her in bed by 7:30 pm and she has to be up by 6:50 am to be ready for the bus at 7:25 am.  She woke up on her own for the whole first week, usually by 6:30.  This week, I have had to wake her, but she's so cheerful it really isn't bad.  She pops out of bed and starts her morning routine without a problem.  She can be a slow breakfast eater, so I made and froze a whole bunch of bran muffins.  She eats that with honey in the morning and it seems to go fairly quickly along with her banana.  The coolest thing she talked about from her first week was music and PE.  She also really liked that you could pick chocolate milk at lunch.  She doesn't love the school lunches, but is adjusting.  We have let her bring her lunch once, and that was a highlight.  I'm not sure if it was the lunch or her new lunchbox.  She comes home singing a new song every day and can't wait to show me the papers she has in her bag. She talks about many new friends she's made on the bus and the playground.  Hopefully, she continues to be social and get along well with the other kids.  Although we really miss her, she seems to love school! 

On a side note, Owen is missing his sister dearly.  He asks to "go get Ava" several times a day.  He watches her get on the bus and he immediately starts asking when she's coming back.  No matter what sort of frump he may be in, when Ava walks through the door he is all smiles and asks if she wants to play with him.  I think she misses him too and is very happy to meet his request.

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