Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Owen's Big Boy Room is Finally Done!


Owen's new furniture came in July, so he has officially been in his bed for about 6-7 weeks.  While I'd like to say it's gone great, it hasn't been terrible.  He started coming out of his room after going to bed as soon as we took the siderail off the crib in April.  He realized the freedom and was going to take advantage.  He has been doing better, but it seems he needs an adjustment period with every change in his life.  He doesn't get up in the middle of the night anymore (there was about 3 weeks in August when this was the case every night- and he didn't go back to bed easily), so we are relieved about that.  It has taken a while for the decorations to come that I ordered, but we finally have everything on the walls.  He does love his dump trucks, cranes, bulldozers, and other vehicles in his room and named them all as soon as they were on the wall.  While we didn't think he showed a ton of excitement, he tells everyone that comes over, "come see my room, look at all my trucks".    He must think they are neat even though there is nothing for him to play with in his room.  It has been 6 years of having a crib up in our house in some form, so bittersweet to have it in storage.
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